Sitting down to tea at the Ritz.
Aunt Meredith sipping tea with Ashley.
Emily and Aunt Meredith toasting each other.
Mom-Mom, Aunt Elizabeth, & Aunt Susan.
Aunt Elizabeth, Aunt Susan, & Grandma engaged in conversation.
Laura & Aunt Caroline.
Yummy treats!
Everyone helping themselves to pastries.
Everyone enjoying themselves.
Aunt Meredith ready to eat her scone!
Opening gifts.
"You really shouldn't have!"
Everyone watching.
Aunt Meredith modeling "Lima's" new outfit and bib.
"So cute!"
"What a great card!"
"Hee, hee, hee."
"Ahhh...what's this?"
Ashley watching Aunt Meredith open gifts.
Modeling more outfits.
"Oooo...how cute!"
Aunt Meredith cracking up.
Showing off her new diaper bag.
"Now, what do I do with this?"
Going through all the items in her baby basket.
"What's this?"
Aunt Elizabeth's crab shirt for Lima.
The baby basket.
Everyone in front of the fireplace.
Aunt Meredith with Mom-Mom and Grandma.