Katie and Ashley joining Dad for breakfast in bed.
What happened to Ashley?
Dad with his kids before eating his special treat cooked by the kids.
Katie, Ashley, & Brandon checking out the lake.
Waiting to feed the ducks with their leftover bread..
"Those ducks sure are taking their time coming over!"
"Finally, here come two white ones!"
The kids waiting for the fountain to go off.
"There she goes!" The tallest fountain in the world.
Ashley and Katie wishing they were under the fountain!
"Look at the rainbow!"
"Ready to play some frisbee golf, Dad?"
Dad with Brandon and Ashley.
"Come on Katie, we'll go play on the playground!"
"But I want to still feed the ducks!"--(Katie's favorite animal.)
"All right, I'll wait," patiently replies Ashley.
Mom relaxing up on the hill with her submarine sandwich.
"Boy do I need some milk!" says a very hot Katie.
Katie, wiped out from feeding all those ducks!