Brandon walking onto the field.
The ref blows his whistle and the game begins.
Brandon trying to intimidate his opponent!
Way to get it out of there, Brandon!
"Go Broncos, go!"
Racing in to help assist.
"Is it almost half-time yet?"
Playing hard against the Santos.
"And it's another score for the Broncos!"
Watching the action from the backfield.
"Yeah! Water break!"
In for a breather and much needed water break.
Coach Margaret trying to give the boys a few strategies.
"We can win this game boys!"
Coach doling out new positions.
"Fire-up Broncos!"
Katie getting a few pointers from one of the parents!
Back to the game.
Driving hard for the goal!
"I wish I was playing offense right now."
Another score for the Broncos! We won the game!